Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Manifesto of the College Student

With high amounts of debt to make up and still deciding on what we want to do for the rest of our lives, it is hard to decide whether we would rather pick a boring office job that will pay off our debt or a job that we actually enjoy yet we will probably be paying off our debt into our thirties. The daily struggle of getting no sleep, putting on weight, joining clubs and still trying to keep our GPA's up is something that we will never have to deal with again once we get out of these four years. Especially freshman year, it is hard finding friends and getting people to like you. Many people become depressed which makes it even harder to do well in school.

In order to do well in college we must:
Study, Study, Study: With the constant deadlines that approach must faster than anticipated, and all of the tests and assignments that have to be completed, time spent studying is never wasted time.
Join Clubs: In order to stay happy, make friends, and add something onto our resume, clubs always keep us busy and allow us to have some fun with something we generally enjoy doing, around people who do the same.
Get to the Gym: Working out not only facilitates a healthy lifestyle, but also releases endorphins in your brain to make you feel better and happier. It also can let us make friends if we play basketball or we can even find someone to workout with.
Get a Workstudy: Finding a job on campus might be hard and sometimes annoying, however it can really help you manage your time and will help you pay off those terrible loans.
Practice Interviews: Interviewing is the one technique that you will need to utilize the rest of your life. The more practice the better because once mastered, it can allow for jobs to start flowing in after your four years of college.
Do Internships: Getting your name out there and showing how hard of a worker you are within any industry can only help you. It even allows you to add another thing onto your resume. The more experience the better and will allow not only the company you interned for to take interest into you, but many others as well.

As long as you work hard while doing all of these things, the four years spent in college will be amazing. Full of friends, work, connections, and fitness, it might be stressful but it will definitely be worth it in the long run.

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